PERSONAL FUNDRAISING FOR BELOVED PETS - Thousands of pets are euthanized daily because of the rising costs of life saving needed medical procedures. We want to put an end to unneeded euthanizations by providing a fundraisig platform solely for animals in need. If you, or someone you know, can not afford medical treatment for your pet, please start a fundraiser so we can help them before it is too late.
ORGANIZATIONS - Animal rescues, animal shelters, foster animal organizations, wildlife organizations and organizations providing care, support and relief to animals in need and/or crisis, we want to offer you a new way to raise money to help support your valiant efforts. Please start a fundraiser, so we can help get the word out to potential donors to support your mission!
NON-PROFITS - Animal based non-proifts working tirelessly to help animals in need, we want to help you raise money too! Start a fundraiser and/or register with us so other people can choose your organization when fundraising.
Check out our Categories (choose one that best represents you):